Chimera Corp

UD23 | NMS Community Host
Chimera Corp | UD23

Star Castle

ABOUT US | Chimera Corp

The Chimera Corporation is a multinational unity of like minded gamers focused on making the No Man's Sky gaming experience the best it can be.

Our members are closely involved with our player base through our community discord server, providing a home for builders, ship hunters, photographers, and explorers from all walks of life, and from all across the civilized space community.

We take pride in our home galaxy of Isdoraijung ("The Jung" or "The Jungle" as we call it), and we welcome any player who wishes to join our continued efforts into making this crazy universe a better place for all travellers, on and off the game.

Chimera Corp Motto: *Your Family in the Stars!*.



Community Profile
Visit Our Discord Chimera Corp

The Chimera Corporation is a multinational unity of like minded gamers focused on making the No Man's Sky gaming experience the best it can be.

Current Community Event
winter wonderland

Happy Holiday season! This month, Chimera Corp, PBF and Interstellar Index are all co-hosting our winter community event, and we would love to invite you all to join in the fun.

Foundation Communities