No Man's High

UD23 | NMS Community Host
No Man's High | UD23

No Man's High
No Man's High

ABOUT US | No Man's High

Founded on the principles of nurturing the sacred NipNip plant by the Gek, the travelers have taken what they know and continue to cultivate buds for everyone in the galaxy to use and learn from. You will find many NipNip plants within the occupied regions of NMH.

The No Man's High Hub as it stands today was founded and created by Catfeine and VihQ. It is jointly run by KingNate01 and Catfeine. A community born out of the No Man’s High subreddit dedicated to the cultivation and exploration of NipNip and Cannabis.

"When within the presence of the sacred plant, you must take one out" - A Gek, probably.



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Founded on the principles of nurturing the sacred NipNip plant by the Gek, the travelers have taken what they know and continue to cultivate buds for everyone in the galaxy to use and learn from. You will find many NipNip plants within the occupied regions of NMH.